Newspaper Archive Summit white paper suggests next steps for stakeholders

A mandate to preserve — a white paper (PDF) — was produced for the Newspaper Archive Summit Network by Victoria McCargar, veteran journalist, archivist and digital curation consultant. This white paper provides an assessment of the first Newspaper Archive Summit and offers suggestions for next steps. On April 10-12, 2011, the Reynolds Journalism Institute, MU … Continued

Newspaper Archive Summit recorded sessions

If a newspaper goes out of business, what happens to its archives? If a newspaper becomes available only online, what happens to yesterday’s (or last year’s) news? Why should we care? As the erosion of the traditional media economy and its concomitant decline in readership and revenues transforms one of the pillars of democratic life, … Continued

Mark Glaser host of MediaShift does live blog of RJI Collaboratory launch

I am virtually covering the all-day sessions at the RJI TalkFest today, held at the University of Missouri’s Reynolds Journalism Institute. I will be watching in via Adobe Connect, where I can hear and see what’s going on and chat in the chat room. The agenda includes sessions on community-building, advertising and marketing, news and … Continued

Incubating a collaboratory

Journalists, entrepreneurs, academics, and experts from the worlds of technology and business will gather on January 21, 2009 at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute for a one-day Talkfest called “Putting Feet on the Streets for Journalism.” The participants’ challenge: to develop plans for the RJI Collaboratory, a news organization incubator. This is why: In … Continued