RJI Partnership projects are collaborations with organizations and individuals to build guides, resources, tools and programs that tackle current needs, challenges and gaps in journalism. These resources need to be actionable, useful, free to utilize and open source. We aim to build resources that are beneficial to community-centered small and medium newsrooms and journalists.

RJI provides partnership & project management for these projects which means we:

  • Keep the project on schedule, progressing and hitting deadlines
  • Schedule and run weekly project working sessions 
  • Help identify action items, assign responsibility for them and send out wrap-ups after meetings to ensure we are all on the same page and communicating clearly
  • Help identify potential hurdles to tackle them before they become problems
  • Keep the project within mutually agreed upon budget 
  • Collaborate on research, communications, interviews, design input etc; i.e. all work for the project are joint tasks 
  • Share cost of project with partner to help cover expenses such as development, design, research, promotions and event building
  • Provide a structure for the project from ideation to promotion to impact reports that helps the project not only be built, but successful and impactful
  • Facilitate access to RJI resources + work with Mizzou students, staff and faculty

Interested in collaborating with us? Send us a note and we’ll be in touch!

Current and recent partnership projects: https://bit.ly/innovrji