Journalism Digital News Archive (JDNA)

The Journalism Digital News Archive (JDNA) initiative’s mission is to preserve news content originally produced in digital formats. Over the past four decades the transition from analog to digital systems in news media has transformed the way journalistic content is produced and accessed. Like other creators of “born-digital” content, news media have employed a series of evolving file formats and technical infrastructures, many of which are now — or may soon be — obsolete.
In response to these challenges, the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute and University of
Missouri Libraries saw the need to preserve and maintain the legacy of born-digital news media and
established the world’s first digital curator of journalism position. This position laid the groundwork
for forming JDNA, with the goal of creating and supporting sustainable systems for preserving born-digital
news content. By exploring best practices to archive and access content and resources, including text,
photos, video and interactive news apps, JDNA seeks novel approaches for developing scalable digital
news preservation enviroments.
About JDNA
What goes into creating and sustaining an initiative of this scale, and what are our end goals? Learn more about our systems-change agenda and how we’re implementing it.
JDNA events
Our Dodging the Memory Hole forums bring together leading librarians, researchers, journalists, technologists and archivists to come up with actionable solutions to solve problems in born-digital news archiving. View content from our previous forums and register for our upcoming ones.
JDNA projects
We enhance knowledge and practice in the born-digital news archiving field through research we conduct, projects we lead and communities we foster. Learn more about the specific work we’ve done, what we’re currently doing and how you can get involved.
JDNA stories
Have you heard about the 34-part Pulitzer Prize nominee that just disappeared off the Internet? How can this be prevented from happening again? Our stories highlight the importance of preserving born-digital news — sharing some victories and some tragic failures — and what we’re doing about it.