Dodging the Memory Hole 2015: An Action Assembly
The two-day Dodging the Memory Hole 2015: An Action Assembly forum built on the digital news archiving priorities identified at the 2014 event Dodging the Memory Hole: Saving Born-digital News Content. Sessions focused on connecting various stakeholders, evaluating work that action groups had completed since the 2014 event, and forming more working groups to collaborate on potential solutions to problems. The event was hosted by the Educopia Institute in conjunction with the Journalism Digital News Archive and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Public Library. It took place May 11-12, 2015, at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Public Library in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Take Action! Public-Private Partnerships: Importance/Difficulty Matrix
EDWARD MCCAIN: [00:10] We’re going to break up into groups here in a little bit. At the first Dodging the Memory Hole we broke into groups, and we were looking at partnerships. I’ve ranked them here; and I also have some hard copies that I’m going to share with you as groups, but I wanted you to … Continued
Take Action! Public-Private Partnerships: Brian Hocker and Edward McCain
EDWARD MCCAIN: [00:08] We have a fairly large group, and we're going to break up the group and continue some of the work that was done on partnerships in the first Dodging the Memory Hole last November. But since we had Brian here today I thought we'd explore a little bit more about his … Continued
Keynote: Brian Hocker, KXAS-TV, NBCUniversal
MARTIN HALBERT: [Slide 1, 00:00] I’m Martin Halbert, dean of libraries at the University of North Texas. It’s my pleasure to introduce our keynote speaker, who I advocated for very hard. Brian Hocker is vice president for digital media production and research at NBC 5 / KXAS in Dallas-Fort Worth. Let me tell you why … Continued