Earning Trust on Social
How do news consumers decide what information to trust, and how can journalists teach users to be smarter consumers and sharers? Joy Mayer and a team of college students have been interviewing journalists and nonjournalists to get a sense of what creates trust and credibility between communicator and receiver.
Are you willing to talk to your audience about trust?
As we all work to establish journalism’s credibility and figure how to earn the trust of cynical news consumers, we’re looking for journalists willing to take a radical step: Invite individual members of your community to talk to you about what they trust. That’s right. Who among you is willing to meet face-to-face with audience … Continued
Newsrooms test social media strategies to forge relationships with audiences
When it comes to social media strategy, it’s not enough for journalists to “be where the audience is” anymore. At least half of U.S. adults get news from social media, yet less than 12 percent of those who do, trust the information they get there. Journalists can’t simply occupy social media spaces; they need to … Continued
We asked journalists: How do you fit in time to learn about industry information?
In the midst of so much to do, how and when do journalists take the time to learn more about our industry? And what formats or platforms make learning easy? I’ve been asking those questions as I wrap up a really cool project and want to share what I’ve learned in ways that are useful … Continued