Short Takes
Short Takes is an occasional series that captures interesting work by Missouri School of Journalism students.
Short Takes: How data uncovered great stories
Who said there would be math? In a field that can attract mathematically challenged individuals, data has become an essential tool for journalists. During the 2019 spring semester, student producers behind Gray Television’s OTT show “Post” showcased 20 pieces of journalism, most of which would not be possible without data.
Short Takes: A checklist can minimize risks for journalists covering natural disasters
Newsrooms need plans for covering natural disasters, and coming up with them before the next fire or storm will make a stressful situation simpler.
Short Takes: Navigating freedom takes work
How do you navigate having all the creative freedom in the world? It’s not easy.
Short Takes: A complex answer to a complex question
Grace Lett, Samantha Bowers and Chris Olszewski Short Takes is an occasional series that captures interesting work by Missouri School of Journalism students. Local newspapers want the answer to one question: What’s the best way for content to increase digital subscribers? We spent the semester working with the McClatchy publishing company and two of its … Continued
Short Takes: Lessons from a failed newsletter in how to engage with your audience
Quinn Ritzdorf Short Takes is an occasional series that captures interesting work by Missouri School of Journalism students. As part of my RJI Student Innovation Fellowship with the Greeley Tribune in Greeley, Colorado, a co-worker and I were given the task to start and grow a paid subscription newsletter, The Playbook, that covered rural prep sports … Continued
Short Takes: Building baseball excitement for a town without a team
Danny Stewart Short Takes is an occasional series that captures interesting work by Missouri School of Journalism students. With social media, instantaneity is king. How do you develop an online audience for a baseball team in a new city that isn’t playing there until 2021? Throughout the 2018 Minor League Baseball season, it was heavily … Continued