Tag: Institute for Independent Journalists
How to get started as a freelance journalist — and quickly become sustainable
A free online guide to the most important business decisions freelance journalists make, with an eye to efficiency and prioritizing actions that have a bigger impact on your bottom line.
Scheduling rest is crucial for good journalism
Planning time off makes us healthier, more productive, and creative.
5 reasons your freelance pitches are falling flat
Before complaining that editors ignore your pitch, check yourself.
Embedding accountability in your freelance journalism practice
How a cohort and trusted colleagues can help you reach your goals faster.
Why freelance journalism is the future
I’m going to help you start your independent journalism business At least twice a month, I get a request from a former colleague or friend-of-a-friend who’s looking into being a freelance journalist. Maybe they experienced a layoff, or lost out on a promotion. They ask for a half hour on the phone, just to get … Continued