Distribution: What do you really own? What do you really want?
If content is king, then distribution are all the roads leading to, and from, the kingdom. Those used to be toll roads: A simple transaction defined by use. But today, distributed content, in its many forms, has made that transaction complex. Even confusing. Distribution isn’t just about the pipelines of ingress and regress. It’s about relationship building. In a constantly evolving distribution ecosystem, what are effective distribution strategies on- and off-platform? On March 20–21, 2017, the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute tackled distribution from all angles — from processes, procedures, platforms and the all-important payment structure, and more.
Distribution: What do you really own? What do you really want?
If content is king, then distribution are all the roads leading to, and from, the kingdom. Those used to be toll roads: A simple transaction defined by use. But today, distributed content, in its many forms, has made that transaction complex. Even confusing. Distribution isn’t just about the pipelines of ingress and regress. It’s about relationship building. In a constantly evolving distribution … Continued
Alejandro González: The story is your mothership
Alejandro González, 14ymedio Alejandro González leads development and innovation efforts at 14ymedio, Cuba’s first independent digital news platform founded by acclaimed independent journalist, Yoani Sánchez. In this capacity, he is responsible for expanding partnerships, growing audiences and creating innovative revenue streams for the news platform. González works with a dynamic team willing to take … Continued
Victor Hernandez: 50 things we learned at RJI-Distribution
Victor Hernandez, Banjo A recent profile piece on Victor Hernandez began with the following statement, “With what he’s wearing, Victor Hernandez seems to be part human and part robot.” And while all human cyborg rumors can neither be confirmed or denied, Hernandez has developed a reputation for infusing traditional journalism leadership with new media applications. Hernandez is … Continued