John Loeppky columns
John Loeppky is a RJI Columnist whose column will explore issues that focuses on journalism innovation through the lens of disability and freelancing.
John is a disabled freelance journalist currently based on treaty six territory in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. He has been published by the likes of CBC, FiveThirtyEight, Poynter, Defector, Insider, Healthline, and a host of others. John’s goal in life is to have an entertaining obituary to read and he can be reached at John@Jloeppky.com.
The removal of ego
The problem, especially when it comes to disability, media, and innovation, is that everyone thinks they know how to solve it, including those who need to listen most.
How to manage negativity in the journalism industry
Pessimism is not a business plan.
How to look inward for innovation in disability-led journalism
Sometimes a disability-led story needs to crack the door open rather than boot it straight off the hinges.
How we start building access for disabled journalists
Zoom, Calendly, Otter and other tools.
How I Introduce myself as a disabled generalist
Alternatively: Hire me pleeeease.
How we start building access for disabled journalists
I probably shouldn’t start this with a wheelchair pun, should I?