Documentary class in session at RJI with Professor Spike Lee
A highlight of my RJI stay happened last week, 30 feet from my office. Spike Lee gave a master class to documentary and photojournalism students. He was in Columbia, Missouri, to premiere “2 Fists Up: We Gon Be Alright,” a new ESPN documentary on racial unrest at the University of Missouri that uses footage from the … Continued
Dodging the Memory Hole conference receives funding from Institute of Museum and Library Services
Dodging the Memory Hole 2016: Saving Online News was one of 20 initiatives to receive grant funding this week from the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program. The forum is a part of an event series of the Journalism Digital News Archive at the University of Missouri and will promote the preservation of born-digital news content. The Laura Bush program is part of the … Continued
Unholy alliances, superheroes and the ‘drunken walk’
A not-so-subtle theme kept cropping up this week at the Collaboration Culture Symposium (#rjicollab) at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute: a superhero theme. Speakers conjured up images of caped crusaders in search of new alliances to fight the evils that have befallen The Fourth Estate. Those evils have eroded and disposed of the neophyte … Continued
Victor Hernandez: 50 Things We Learned From the Collaboration Culture Sympsium
Victor Hernandez, Banjo Victor Hernandez is a digital journalism strategist and new media thought leader with keen eyes and full attention toward the big picture of tomorrow’s rapidly changing media landscape. Hernandez is the director of media innovation at Banjo as well as an RJI Fellow, exploring the impact of wearable technologies on newsrooms. Hernandez worked extensively … Continued
Matt Booher: Being Data-Driven Has Little To Do With Data
Matt Booher, Scripps Media Digital Matt Booher brings more than 15 years of experience managing Web analytics implementations and digital marketing measurement strategies. As director of digital insights at Scripps Media Digital, Booher leads insight development for the Scripps core broadcasting digital operations and new business development teams. Booher’s previous agency experience includes client work … Continued
Edward McCain and Katherine Skinner: From Collaborative Action to Collective Impact
EDWARD MCCAIN: [Slide 1, 00:00] How many people here saw the film “Spotlight”? [Looks at hands raised.] I mean, I would think so. As you were sitting there, did you notice how many times — and how central a role — the news archive, the morgue, played in that movie? Would that story have been the … Continued
David Gehring: Establishing Industry Symmetry to Drive Economic Change
David Gehring, Relay Media David Gehring advises news media companies in Europe and the U.S with a focus on platform partnership strategy. Previously, Gehring worked for Guardian News and Media as VP of partnerships. At GNM, Gehring focused on developing and launching the Digital News Initiative with Google and seven other participating European news publishers. The goal of the … Continued
Sarah Hill: VR Journalism: One Startup’s Collab Culture
Sarah Hill, StoryUP Sarah Hill is the chief storyteller and CEO of StoryUP, a VR journalism startup based in Columbia, Mo. A former interactive news anchor and chief storyteller for Veterans United Foundation, Hill creates with human media, pushing the transition of text-based storytelling to a three-dimensional world. She was the first person to use … Continued
Nicholas Whitaker: Immersive Storytelling
Nicholas Whitaker, The News Lab at Google Before joining Google in 2010, Nicholas Whitaker spent the previous decade producing, directing, editing, and shooting videos and still images for news, commercial, entertainment and advocacy media. Whitaker was also a professor at Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts and Marymount Manhattan College, teaching courses in … Continued
Kevin Poortinga: Controlled Chaos: The Balance Between Herding Cats and Collaborative Innovation
Kevin Poortinga, USA TODAY Kevin Poortinga leads the USA Today Lab, a department designed to quickly incubate concepts, new businesses and new initiatives for the media network, which consists of more than 100 local news organizations and flagship USA TODAY. When not prototyping or experimenting, the Lab also champions an internal innovation grants program, a hybrid … Continued