Missouri School of Journalism and MU Extension partner to deliver video expertise to journalists

Kay Foran

The Missouri School of Journalism and the University of Missouri Extension recently partnered to deliver video strategies to journalists in northwest Missouri.

The training was part of the School of Journalism’s ongoing outreach and service to community news organizations in Missouri and nationwide.

Nearly 25 newspaper, radio and television staff members and MU Extension specialists attended “How to use your mobile phone to create video,” presented by Jim Flink, assistant professor at the School of Journalism and consultant with the Reynolds Journalism Institute. The event, hosted by Missouri Western State University in St. Joseph, provided interactive field training in how to create mobile video content and post it online to reach targeted audiences.

“We’re excited about this partnership and look forward to more events like this around the state,” said RJI Executive Director Randy Picht. “And since many states have similar university extension services we’re hopeful that we can spread this collaborative approach to other parts of the country.”

Topics covered included:

  • How to create quality content, focusing on stability, lighting and sound.
  • Basic composition principles, such as lighting and proximity.
  • Video interview basics. 
  • Guided walk-through, creating short videos with apps like KineMaster.
  • Video and photo curation apps that enhance content value.
  • Tips for strategic, timely engagement.

“These readily available tools provide exciting, timely and affordable new ways to share information and news and build connections,” said Joe Lear, northwest regional director at MU Extension.

“The objective … was to take the digital transformation that’s happening out there … and bring that to various parts of Missouri,” said Flink. “The daily newspaper crowd [is] thirsting for how to take video and visual content, place it on their digital properties and really enhance the overall coverage of the community.”

The workshop was a program of RJI’s Walter B. Potter Sr. Fund for Innovation in Local Journalism. It included resources from MobileVideoDIY, an RJI website that curates mobile video lessons and resources — from recording and editing video to shooting a live broadcast.

MU Extension and RJI leaders hope to expand the program to other areas of the state. “It’s another way the University of Missouri brings its expertise and research closer to the citizens it serves and demonstrates its commitment to being the ‘University for Missouri,’” said Marshall Stewart, vice chancellor for extension and engagement at MU Extension.

Potter initiatives have delivered training, strategies and insights to community news organizations in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New York and Virginia.

“This is an awesome opportunity,” said Annette Bauer, editor of the Citizen-Observer in Cameron, Missouri.


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