RJI Fellow receives investment from Missouri accelerator fund for chatbot tool

GroundSource, a community engagement platform founded by RJI Fellow Andrew Haeg, recently received a $50,000 investment from the Missouri Innovation Center Accelerator Fund. Haeg is completing an institutional fellowship in August with the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute. He spent a year developing bots to deepen engagement at various news outlets. The funds will allow … Continued

White paper: Two days dedicated to Dodging the Memory Hole

This white paper summarizes the Dodging the Memory Hole 2016: Saving online news event, with overviews of the panels and presentations, and projects produced by groups at the conference as well as student scholarship recipients. On Oct. 13–14, 2016, University of Missouri Libraries, in collaboration with the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute, UCLA Library and … Continued

Open the Room Project helps journalists, citizens and towns broadcast on Facebook Live

This week we launch the Open the Room Project, which provides community journalists, citizen activists and town administrators with step-by-step directions to build a scalable, affordable system for streaming public meetings, events and sporting contests. The project was inspired by citizen activists who are streaming town council meetings via smartphones to Facebook Live. Our work … Continued

Panel: The future of the past: Modernizing The New York Times archive

Scroll to view transcript EVAN SANDHAUS: [00:08] Thank you for bearing with me while we get the technical things ironed out. I’m Evan Sandhaus, and I am here with my team today to talk about some work we’ve been doing with migrating The New York Times archives. A little bit later, once we say our … Continued