RJI news
Breaking down barriers to expand impact and resources
Newsrooms identify funding and project management as top needs for successful collaborations.
Product development is built on a foundation of trust
A conversation with Elite Truong, VP of Product Strategy The vice president of product strategy at the American Press Institute and board secretary for the News Product Alliance, Elite Truong, has worked as a product manager at news organizations like Vox and led R&D and news product teams at The Washington Post. Truong advocates for … Continued
Media law experts discuss legal risks and challenges of AI tools
Check your insurance policies, be transparent and treat your favorite Generative AI application like an intern whose work needs plenty of supervision.
How to gain buy-in and knowledge before building a news product
At the Star Tribune, Emily Hood will be creating a Slackbot to generate audience analytics reports. These reports can better support the newsroom as they learn about their online performance and adjust their content strategies.
Welcome to Agenda Watch
A platform to help journalists keep watch on local government
How we establish a system for audience data across multiple outlets and audiences
Organizing unique data to tell the story.
Introducing the College Media Playbook
Helping student newsrooms be more efficient, sustainable and innovative.
Making your project sustainable beyond your departure
Training, transitions and support.
How to look inward for innovation in disability-led journalism
Sometimes a disability-led story needs to crack the door open rather than boot it straight off the hinges.
Sparking community and collaboration in a hybrid newsroom
A conversation with Anne Snabes of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune.