Trusting News
How do people decide what news is trustworthy? How can journalists influence what users consume and share on social media? And in the era of fake stories, when untruths often travel faster than the truth, what can credible journalists do to stand out?
When we began the Trusting News project in January 2016, we had no idea how the presidential campaign would evolve. We didn’t know the intentional spread of false information would play an even larger role in the information climate. We didn’t know Facebook’s algorithm would move toward favoring posts shared by individuals over those shared by pages, making it all the more important that news consumers help spread our content.
We just knew the issue of reclaiming the credibility of journalism was worthy of focused attention.
Journalists: Defend your work through action, not just with editorials
The Trusting News project, staffed by Joy Mayer and Lynn Walsh, is designed to demystify the issue of trust in journalism. They research how people decide what news is credible, then turn that knowledge into actionable strategies for journalists. The project is funded by the Reynolds Journalism Institute, the Knight Foundation and Democracy Fund.
Don’t be afraid to tell your readers your journalism is valuable
The Trusting News project, staffed by Joy Mayer and Lynn Walsh, is designed to demystify the issue of trust in journalism. They research how people decide what news is credible, then turn that knowledge into actionable strategies for journalists. The project is funded by the Reynolds Journalism Institute, the Knight Foundation and Democracy Fund.
Earn trust by sharing what motivates your journalism
Originally published on Medium Journalists, we need to talk more about the “why” of what we do. What does the profession exist to do? Who do we serve? Why are we doing this story or covering this issue? These questions do not have simple answers, of course. We’re motivated to different degrees by a variety … Continued
A more nuanced understanding of ‘journalism’ is needed — and we need our communities’ help
Originally published on Medium Trusting News works to empower journalists to demonstrate credibility by helping people understand journalism. Never has that been more important than today. Journalists are heading to work — the day after a mass shooting in a community newsroom — to keep telling stories that improve public life. In fact, the surviving members of the Capital … Continued
Earning trust by inviting questions … and answering them
Originally published on Medium As newsrooms have joined the Trusting News work, we’ve asked them to think about how they might introduce the work to their audiences and how those audiences might be invited to weigh in. News consumers aren’t usually shy about telling us how we could do better, but asking for feedback directly … Continued
Newsrooms join Trusting News work
Originally published on Medium More than 30 newsrooms are making an investment in discovering how best to demonstrate credibility and earn trust by coming on board the Trusting News project. For four months, they’ll commit to regular experimentation across seven trust-building strateiges. A handful of newsrooms have been testing since November, and many more are … Continued
Journalists, let’s invest in trust, not just expect it
We know trust in the news media is decreasing. I mean, it’s really not a pretty picture. Let’s start with this stat: A 2016 Gallup poll revealed that just 32% of Americans say they have “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of trust in mass media.
Trusting News project receives $100,000 grant from Knight Foundation
The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation today committed $100,000 to the Trusting News project, which was launched by Joy Mayer with support from the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute at the Missouri School of Journalism. The project develops news engagement experiments and trains journalists on ways to increase trust with their audiences. It relies … Continued
Who trusts — and pays for — the news? Here’s what 8,728 people told us
As part of the Trusting News project, 28 partner newsrooms asked their audiences to tell them about their views on the credibility of news. Is there a connection between people’s politics and their trust in news? (Yes.) Do people’s race or age play a factor in what they trust? (Yes on race, less on age.) … Continued
How building trust with news consumers is like dating
Relationships take work. You don’t get intimacy without putting in some time. You don’t ask for favors without offering the equivalent yourself. You earn trust by being there consistently, and by listening. The Trusting News project is basically a recipe for a genuine, two-way relationship with news consumers, rather than just an exchange of information. Relationships … Continued