Unholy alliances, superheroes and the ‘drunken walk’

A not-so-subtle theme kept cropping up this week at the Collaboration Culture Symposium (#rjicollab) at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute: a superhero theme. Speakers conjured up images of caped crusaders in search of new alliances to fight the evils that have befallen The Fourth Estate. Those evils have eroded and disposed of the neophyte … Continued

Matt Booher: Being Data-Driven Has Little To Do With Data

Matt Booher, Scripps Media Digital Matt Booher brings more than 15 years of experience managing Web analytics implementations and digital marketing measurement strategies. As director of digital insights at Scripps Media Digital, Booher leads insight development for the Scripps core broadcasting digital operations and new business development teams. Booher’s previous agency experience includes client work … Continued

Videos from Dodging the Memory Hole: Saving Born-digital News Content

In today’s digital newsrooms, a software/hardware crash can wipe out decades of text, photos, videos and applications in a fraction of a second. Digital archives can easily become obsolete due to evolving formats and digital systems used by modern media, not to mention media failure, bit-rot and link-rot. One recent survey found that most American … Continued

Pivot Point: Next steps

Last month, the Reynolds Journalism Institute convened 34 engineers, publishers, editors, researchers and academics in Chicago for a gathering entitled: “Pivot Point: Reinventing Community, Reinventing News in a Connected World.” In this post, we’ll report on why we gathered, what we did, and what should happen next. We’d like your suggestions. Please email densmorew@rjionline.org, or … Continued