Tag: Linkedin
Let technology plot the path forward
Like many journalists, I can remember when I first thought about pursuing a career in the field. As a teenager, I loved writing and reading well-done stories, and I often found them in the newspaper. By the time I reached high school, I was reading The Detroit News and The Detroit Free Press everyday, and … Continued
Tracy Clark’s take on 15 news aggregation apps: Part 2
Google Play Newsstand Google has made several attempts at media aggregation, first with Google News in 2002, which was deemed beta for the first three years. It promotes itself as a service that “aggregates real-time news content from news sources around the world, generating 72 editions in 55 languages, and powering Google’s news search. In … Continued
Tracy Clark’s take on 15 news aggregation apps: Is your go-to app on this list?
The news customization market is still very early and fragmented yet extremely promising. In the past five years about 20 serious players have emerged filling niche areas of this market, with some acquisitions already occurring (Pulse by LinkedIn in 2013, Summly by Yahoo in 2013, Zite by Flipboard in 2014). Big players Facebook and Apple … Continued