Tag: Shailesh Prakash
Shailesh Prakash
Shailesh Prakash, Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer, The Washington Post
RJI 2018: Strengthening local journalism, testing practical innovations, and trust and transparency
As another year comes to a close, the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute reflects on some of its accomplishments and lessons learned with a mission of helping journalism survive and thrive.
RJI: 10 years of innovating and more to come
The Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute is celebrating 10 years of innovating and helping ensure that journalism has a long and bright future in the service of democracy. The institute’s doors opened in 2008.
How The Washington Post built a publishing platform accidentally on purpose
The Elizabethan dramaturge John Webster gave one of his characters these immortal words: “There’s nothing of so infinite vexation/As man’s own thoughts.” Of course, he was lucky enough to live nearly 400 years before the first content management system was invented. In early 2013, The Washington Post found itself in a particularly vexing situation: The … Continued