Tag: Storytelling tools
Youth radio journalism resources roundup
Starting a journalism program for teens? You don’t need to create training and curriculum materials from scratch Starting a youth radio program at your shop means managing a lot of moving pieces. You’ve got to find funding, staff, space and equipment. You’ve got to meet with youth who are interested in storytelling and amplifying teen … Continued
True or false: PolitiFact, pols and pundits
Who in the news is lying? Who’s telling the truth? To find out I “scored” each person and group checked by PolitiFact.
Breaking News 2: When good ads go bad
Breaking News is a series on the self-inflicted fractures breaking the news business. The first was on malvertising. This second report is on the “ad tech tax” everyone pays — in dollars, time and readership.
Postscript: A WordPress plugin for data visualization and multimedia
The first plugin from the Storytelling Tools project is now free in the WordPress directory.
How to make online news ‘brain friendly’
Online news can work with or against the brain. When RJI Fellows Alex Remington of The Washington Post and media researcher Paul Bolls applied brain science principles to news design, readers’ comprehension, recall and engagement increased. We interviewed the researchers (audio below) to learn how to make articles “brain friendly.” It’s all about the “reading path,” says Remington. “Classify the … Continued
New RJI Fellow to develop suite of apps to help streamline workflow of community journalists
A 2015-2016 RJI Fellow wants to streamline the workflow in small- to mid-sized newsrooms by creating apps to assist journalists in their day-to-day tasks. These tasks could range from fact-checking and finding free images to creating immersive multimedia presentations and previewing mobile versions of their articles. The project will put “big-media tools” into the hands … Continued