Tag: Uniform Law Commission
If your state doesn’t have an anti-SLAPP law, you should read this
This article is part of a larger partnership between the Reynolds Journalism Institute and Society of Professional Journalists to update and improve the resources available to journalists regarding strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs).
Look up to see the coming battle of privacy vs. access
How much airspace — and how much privacy — are you entitled to? This is important to us as drone journalists because it speaks to where we can fly and how we gather our visuals.
A tussle over airspace. Could news drones be collateral damage?
It’s a crisp autumn day and the news director has asked for drone video of fall colors. You know just the place: a rise aside a subdivision that borders a state park whose oaks and sugar maples are a riot of colors. You take off and, with camera pointed forward, fly a conservative 80 feet … Continued