RJI 2015–2016 Fellows

Tracy Clark’s take on 15 news aggregation apps: Is your go-to app on this chart?

(U.S.-based rankings/ratings; data from iOS app store via AppAnnie as of July 6, 2015)

AggregatorReleasedRanking (U.S. News)Rating (U.S.)
Facebook PaperJan 29, 2014564.0 (8,683 ratings)
FeedlyNov 19, 2010724.5 (40,421 ratings)
FlipboardJul 21 2010114.5 (177,875 ratings)
Google NewsstandSep 3, 20111123.0 (2,461 ratings)
LinkedIn PulseJun 17, 2015343.0 (249 ratings)
NYT NowMar 10, 2014534.0 (962 ratings)
NewsifyApr 17, 20122904.5 (7,784 ratings)
News360Feb 22, 20111354.5 (14,615 ratings)
News RepublicOct 9, 20102244.5 (2,402 ratings)
ShuffleNov 26, 20149944.0 (33 ratings)
SmartNewsNov 24, 2012464.0 (1,872 ratings)
Trove NewsApr 20, 20111,1804.0 (326 ratings)
Yahoo News DigestJan 1, 2014334.5 (11,271 ratings)

(U.S.-based rankings/ratings; data from Google Play via AppAnnie as of July 6, 2015)

AggregatorReleasedRanking (U.S. News)Rating (U.S.)
FeedlyNov 16, 2011454.3 (53,495 ratings)
FlipboardJun 22, 2012124.3 (281,049 ratings)
Google NewsstandJun 27, 2012253.9 (365,882 ratings)
News360Jan 27, 20121654.4 (23,830 ratings)
News RepublicDec 8, 2011614.5 (137,563 ratings)
ShuffleDec 2, 2014(unranked, last 514)3.8 (24 ratings)
SmartNewsMar 27, 2013414.3 (85,486 ratings)
Trove NewsJul 22, 2014unranked, last 468)4.0 (443 ratings)
Yahoo News DigestMay 8, 2014334.3 (56,873 ratings)

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