CNN Digital Rebranding 2013Katie Hawkins-Gaar
Katie Hawkins-Gaar: Old Walls, New Problems: Collaboration at Poynter
Katie Hawkins-Gaar, The Poynter Institute

Katie Hawkins-Gaar is a member of the digital innovation faculty at The Poynter Institute, where she teaches journalists, stays on top of industry trends and geeks out about newsrooms testing new and exciting ideas. She is on a quest to prove that newsrooms don’t have to be unhappy places. Before joining Poynter, Hawkins-Gaar was the editor for CNN iReport, the network’s global participatory news community. A leading expert in user-generated content, Hawkins-Gaar was responsible for the site’s editorial and social strategy, setting verification standards and leading a team of producers based in Atlanta and London. Outside of work, Hawkins-Gaar spends her time fixing up her house, hosting parties, mastering shuffleboard and traveling with her husband.