Incubating a collaboratory

Journalists, entrepreneurs, academics, and experts from the worlds of technology and business will gather on January 21, 2009 at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute for a one-day Talkfest called “Putting Feet on the Streets for Journalism.” The participants’ challenge: to develop plans for the RJI Collaboratory, a news organization incubator. This is why: In … Continued

On their own time

Impatient YAYAs are impatient and hate unproductive processes. They were raised in a world dominated by technology and instant gratification and have no tolerance for delays. Convenient YAYAs do things on their own time, when it is convenient for them. They line between work and home does not really exist and they will do things … Continued

In the know

Power YAYAs find pleasure in telling people what they have learned. Information is power and power is coveted by YAYAs everywhere. YAYAs detest feeling out of the loop and will do whatever it takes to stay in it. Immediate Access YAYAs crave immediate access to all different types of information. They use outside sources like … Continued

So you call yourself a journalist. What does that mean?

Reynolds Fellow Mike Fancher and students at the Missouri School of Journalism tackle the question of the century. Mike Fancher was the executive editor at the Seattle Times for 20 years. This year, he’s a fellow at the Reynolds Journalism Institute, where he’s seeking to answer to some of the most important questions facing journalists … Continued

Sense of entitlement

YAYAs feel a sense of entitlement when it comes to the job market because they have grown up in a world where they’ve been told they can have it all Instant gratification Contrary to what many people believe, YAYAs are not lazy. They merely grew up in a world of instant gratification and now expect … Continued


Text messaging revolution In order to keep in touch with YAYAs, other generations have been increasingly joining the text messaging revolution, a revolution YAYAs are responsible for starting. Purchase decision YAYAs have a large influence on the purchasing decisions of other generations. They are the most economically powerful population cohort in history. Overall, researchers estimate … Continued