RJI-DPA fall 2010 iPad survey results
The Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) is conducting a multi-year research project to understand how Apple iPad users consume news content. The initial phase was a cross-sectional survey with 20 questions conducted online from September 6 through November 30, 2010. The RJI plans to conduct at least one follow-up panel survey and another cross-sectional survey in … Continued
The value of privacy
Citizens need privacy as a shield against the state as well as corporate power. Legally, privacy is thought of a protection from other things. Contested commodities Research shows that people may be willing to part with what is known as contested commodities. People may be willing to trade private information for goods and services. In … Continued
Blueprinting the information valet economy
Building the collaborative, shared-user network A senior level strategy session combined with a public symposium designed to blueprint the law, ownership-management, marketing and technology of a shared-network for user centric demographics, privacy protected purchasing and advertising exchange and compensation. Two levels of participation Member/collaborators – enterprise partners, institutions, individuals, donors or foundations who are likely … Continued
On their own time
Impatient YAYAs are impatient and hate unproductive processes. They were raised in a world dominated by technology and instant gratification and have no tolerance for delays. Convenient YAYAs do things on their own time, when it is convenient for them. They line between work and home does not really exist and they will do things … Continued