Revenue strategies
IDEA? Steve Outing has created a public Facebook Group to consider ideas for ‘membership models’
Steve Outing, in Boulder, Colo., a veteran observer and columnist on the new-media/journalism scene, has created a public Facebook Group (kind of like a mailing list but web only) to discuss ideas for “membership models” to support journalism. Here’s the public URL: One of the commentators, Chris O’Brien, makes reference to Chris Peck’s “Next … Continued
ONA ADVISORY: The Public Insight Network from Minneapolis will be out in force
One of the most innovative, ongoing projects in community and citizen media is the Public Insight Network Project launched by Andrew Haeg and Michael Skoler six years ago at Minnesota Public Radio. After a long period of careful incubation — including bulding a highly active network of engaged listeners around Minnesota — PIN is now … Continued
PAYWALL/CHARGING: NYTimes CEO’s audio interview comments at the World Editor’s Forum, Hamburg
Here is New York Times Co. CEO Janet Robinson at the World Editor’s Forum, Hamburg, Germany, Oct. 7, 2010, as posted by EditorsWebLog reporter/editor Emma Heald at: This is the full text of the audio clip, starting after Robinson’s comments about The Times of London’s paywall. It’s clear there are a few edits between … Continued
On net neutrality: What if Eisenhower had asked private industry to build our Interstates?
We’ve been digesting and thinking about yesterday’s Google/Verizon statement about how to build out fast Internet for America — and trying to think of analogies that put the issue in terms non-geeks can understand. Over at the Mountain Area Information Network, Wally Bowen draws an excellent analogy to British property. Also, Susan Crawford at NYU’s … Continued
Coffeeshop newsroom concept catching on — two fellows working it; so is Starbucks
The idea of assigning reporters to work from coffee shops and other public spaces is gradually picking up steam. See: Coffeeshop Newsrooms Yield Stories, Sources, Understanding of Journalism at the Poynter site. Both David Cohn, one of this fall’s incoming Reynolds Fellows, and Bill Densmore, a consultant to RJI, (this post author) have been pitching the … Continued
AUDIO: Community media and the future of news
Reynolds Journalism Institute consultant Bill Densmore moderates a panel at the Alliance for Community Media in Pittsburgh: “Community Media and the Future of News.” As the decline of newspapers is felt throughout the country, could community media & technology centers be the new model for local news? Could Citizen Journalism be an opportunity for community … Continued
AUDIO: Explaining the Information Trust Association idea
In this 22-minute audio podcast, Bill Densmore of the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) explains the evolution of the Information Trust Association idea. Accompanying the audio is a slide deck which can be viewed at: Densmore spoke at RJI on June 24, 2010, during a conference entititled: “From Blueprint to Building: Making the … Continued
AUDIO: Five minutes about InfoValet on WJR Detroit’s Frank Beckman show
In a five-minute audio podcast, CircLabs Inc. co-founder and Information Valet Project director Bill Densmore talks with Frank Beckman, live on WJR-AM Detroit, about an idea for one-ID, one-account, one-bill access to web news information and about the Information Trust Association idea. Beckman invited Densmore onto his morning talk program on July 19, after reading a post on the … Continued
DC think-tank strategist warns PEG-access TV operators of “uber” radio spectrum policy battles
PITTSBURGH, Penn. — Cable public-access station operators were given a strong dose of media policy on Thursday at their annual convention as a Washington, D.C. think-tank leader urged them to join an “urber” political battle playing out among telecommunications companies, regulators and public advocates. Corporations are working to control the public airwaves and radio spectrum … Continued
Did the New York Times just declare war on news aggregators?
It looks like the New York Times, Apple and the handiwork of some Stanford students, the Pulse News reader, are in the midst of moving around the copyright bar. A bit. At stake — just how much use can you make of an RSS feed before it becomes a copyright violation? Or is that a … Continued