Exploring Government 2.0

I’m excited about the potential of Government 2.0, a growing movement to use the Internet to improve government practices and make government more transparent and participatory.
Here’s what organizers of last fall’s Gov 2.0 summit say:
“Over the past fifteen years, the rise of the World Wide Web has resulted in remarkable new possibilities and business models reshaping our culture and our economy. Now the time has come to reshape government. With the proliferation of issues and a scarcity of resources to address them all, leaders inside and outside government are turning to the principles of participation, collaboration, transparency, and efficiency to address the challenges facing our country and the world. This is the agenda of the Gov 2.0 Summit.”
Both established news organizations and start ups can help and benefit from connections with Government 2.0. News organizations can serve their users by making documents readily available and providing forums for discussion as well.
I am going to attend City Camp in Chicago Jan 23-24 to learn more.
Meanwhile, Amy Gahran, my colleague at Knight Digital Media Center, is writing a series of guest posts on my Leadership 3.0 blog about how news organizations can connect with Gov 2.0.
Check out her posts:
Government 2.0: What’s in it for local news? Make key documents easier to find, understand
And stay tuned for my report from City Camp later this month.