RJI news
Interactive Chats: Teaching in Mid-Missouri
Explore the life of two Mid-Missouri teachers through a one-on-one storytelling platform.
The skies are changing: The FAA does a bunch of things to make the drone business grow up
The Federal Aviation Administration has been busy these last few weeks, promulgating a bunch of different rules that have some consequences — short-term and long-term — for us as drone journalists. Each of these changes taken alone is something small. Taken together, we’re seeing the ongoing codification of how drones interact with the National Airspace … Continued
Sonification: 5 tips to get you started
Lexi Churchill, Mizzou student, shares 5 tips for the journalist interested in trying sonification
What journalists miss when they ignore history
Earnest L. Perry, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, Missouri School of Journalism
Post Episode 7: Reporters face physical dangers and political threats around the world
In Episode 7 of Post, guests discuss the safety of journalists in the United States and around the world.
A robot commits libel. Who is responsible?
For all their apparent infallibility, bots, like their human predecessors, are also vulnerable to mistakes.One of the worst mistakes is committing libel. How should courts treat cases in which a robot generates a defamatory statement?
Sonification: Turning stories into sound
Michael Corey, Senior Data Editor at Reveal, shares his tips for sonification storytelling
RJI Fellow working on solution to ‘future proof’ data-driven news applications
In 50 years, Dollars for Docs may be gone entirely if nothing is done to archive it, says Meredith Broussard, assistant professor at the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at New York University.
Prove it with prototyping: How to test your ideas and focus your innovation
As we all strive to innovate in our newsrooms and our storytelling, there’s a natural tendency to latch onto any new clever idea that feels like the right solution to a real problem. But is that solution really the right fit? And is the problem even real? The more eager we are to build, the … Continued
Prove it with prototyping: How to test your ideas and focus your innovation
As we all strive to innovate in our newsrooms and our storytelling, there’s a natural tendency to latch onto any new clever idea that feels like the right solution to a real problem. But is that solution really the right fit? And is the problem even real? The more eager we are to build, the … Continued