Earning trust by inviting questions … and answering them

Originally published on Medium As newsrooms have joined the Trusting News work, we’ve asked them to think about how they might introduce the work to their audiences and how those audiences might be invited to weigh in. News consumers aren’t usually shy about telling us how we could do better, but asking for feedback directly … Continued

Immersive Storytelling: Tools and tips

Here are five lessons learned from our time creating an immersive narrative story with a 360 camera 1. The viewer sees everything. When filming in flat video we control the frame and we direct the viewer. We shape the story by presenting a detail or an establishing shot or a portrait. In 360 video, the viewer sees everything … Continued

RJI Fellowship delivers digital services to publishers for local businesses

Individuals or organizations can apply for 2018-19 fellowships at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute through Jan. 31. During the application season, we will publish Q&As with a few of our past fellows to find out how the fellowships benefited their organizations and what advice they have for applicants.

There are three types of fellowships: institutional, nonresidential and residential. Learn more by visiting RJI Fellowships.

Immersive Storytelling: Why it’s powerful

Sarah Hill, CEO and chief storyteller at StoryUp, speaks about the power of immersive storytelling for journalism and the tools she thinks would be the best fit for newsrooms on a budget.

Immersive Storytelling: Ruthy Chapman

Ruthy Chapman is a Columbia, Missouri, resident who had to adjust her commute after her city bus line was cut in 2017. Instead of catching a regular bus connection each day, she has to call in advance for a van shuttle to pick her up at her old bus stop to get her to work.

Using facts, not fact-checking, to fight fake news

Editor’s note: Starting next week “Science Friday” will launch a series of resources that they’re calling Science Facts. These resources offer short, shareable facts about scientific issues that are controversial in the general public but are settled for scientists. “Science Friday” produced these resources during a fellowship project at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute.  I was recently … Continued

Announcing a new video series for journalists

Every newsroom is facing the ever-increasing challenge of engaging readers within a digital format. Though great journalism will always be vital, how it is presented as technology progresses has already begun to evolve. As newsrooms experiment we’re seeing everything from amazing testimonial video projects to interactive presentations that include photo, video, games and the written story — all in one online package. In … Continued

Newsrooms join Trusting News work

Originally published on Medium More than 30 newsrooms are making an investment in discovering how best to demonstrate credibility and earn trust by coming on board the Trusting News project. For four months, they’ll commit to regular experimentation across seven trust-building strateiges. A handful of newsrooms have been testing since November, and many more are … Continued