Media Innovation Summit raises challenges, solutions for student innovators

Student founders of color face unique challenges to creating sustainable ventures in the media innovation space. These include advertiser biases, lack of technological development support and plain old-fashioned racism. Top innovators of color in media entrepreneurship — from broadcast media and education to online and hyperlocal enterprises — came together April 22 to advance solutions … Continued

DEAR READER: Why does this Trump article look like a comic book?

Editor’s note: There are plenty of challenges facing newsrooms around the country, so when you can knock off two birds with one stone it’s worth taking notice. In this case the two challenges are: 1) How do we get folks to engage with content that might be outside the comfort zones created by social media news feeds and 2) how do we find new ways to tell stories by taking advantage of digital delivery?

Blake Nelson, a graduate student at the Missouri School of Journalism, did indeed figure out how to do both by exploring the so-old-it’s-new-again journalistic tool of the comic strip. Here’s how he described it.

Mark Graham: Lightning rounds: Archiving news at the Internet Archive

Scroll to view transcript Mark Graham: [00:10] Hi, I'm Mark Graham. I have the honor of working at the Internet Archive managing the Wayback Machine. Most recently, I worked at NBC News Digital. I also remember that 25 years ago I was publishing FAIR, Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting online. So, this is the Internet Archive; we're a nonprofit library based … Continued

Edward McCain and Ginny Steele: Welcome

Scroll to view transcript EDWARD MCCAIN: [00:07] Welcome to the fourth Dodging the Memory Hole event. It's part of our outreach effort from the Journalism Digital News Archive at the University of Missouri. It's great to have you here. We're going to focus, today, on saving online news. We've talked about "born digital" for a while, but I think the … Continued

FL#191: VICE’s cinematic approach

(Video missing) VICE News has set itself apart from traditional broadcast news outlets with a more cinematic approach to its visual report. We find out how they do it from Maral Usefi, director/producer at Vice News Tonight. Reporting by Lindsey Miller Mentioned in our report Steadicam Smoothee$89.95This handheld device helps stabilize a mobile phone to … Continued

Informator produces new insights, wins 2017 RJI Student Competition

A team of undergrads in computer science and journalism took the grand prize in the 10th annual RJI Student Competition with Informator, an intelligent mobile search tool that finds hidden relationships between key words and phrases, generating insights that help journalists find new angles to important stories. Convergence journalism major Humera Lodhi and computer science … Continued