RJI news
Jacob’s Cave Swapping Days
This news game takes you into the world of Jacob’s Cave Swapping Days. The first annual small animal swap was held at Jacob’s Cave in June 1979. It claims to be the largest swap meet in the Midwest and boasts attendance of over 30,000 people at each event. Swapping Days are held three times annually, in April, June and October.
Marie D. De Jesús announced as director of POY and CPOY, RJI’s signature photojournalism competitions
The Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) at the Missouri School of Journalism today announced that Marie D. De Jesús is the new director of Pictures of the Year (POY) and College Photographer of the Year (CPOY), RJI’s prestigious photojournalism competitions. De Jesús is the immediate past president of the National Press Photographers Association (NPPA) and the … Continued
Pennsylvania investigative outlet using AI to keep public informed about general election
Welcome to another installment of “AI is here,” a series from RJI highlighting AI innovation in journalism. In today’s spotlight, one news organization has built a conversational chat program to provide election information to a broader audience without losing its identity in the sea of generative AI.
Using zines to connect with a hyper-specific audience
Print is not dead: A conversation with Sarah Bennett Working with artists and journalists at all skill levels in her print shop, Sarah Bennett is familiar with tailoring zines to meet the needs of different producers and audiences. The Innovation in Focus team met with Bennett to talk about some of the common challenges she … Continued
How branded content is an effective revenue strategy for newsrooms
For some in news media, branded or sponsored content may be considered a dirty word. At the Local Media Association, that’s not how we feel about it.
Cash is queen
You can have the best work and strongest team, but without cash, your business is in trouble. Learn from these real-world examples to stay ahead of the cash flow crisis.
RJI Student Innovation Competition seeks-outside-the-box solutions to growing problem of news avoidance
The Reynolds Journalism Institute at the Missouri School of Journalism is seeking entrants for this year’s Student Innovation Competition.
5 reasons your freelance pitches are falling flat
Before complaining that editors ignore your pitch, check yourself.
How enhanced audience engagement helps sustain newsrooms
Incentivizing thoughtful, effortful engagement over skimming is an opportunity to repair and build trust with audiences.
Toolkit overview: Examples, tutorials, resources
Brainstorming the structure of the data sonification resource I’m building.