Tag: Automation
Can election season be less crazy?
An automation and AI experiment in real time.
The Bloomfield Info Project: An automation case study
A nonprofit responds to a growing news desert.
Automating story follow-up tracking — for free
Airtable, Zapier and Google Drive products make remembering when to circle back to a topic a breeze. We built a simple automation system to track and share ideas for follow-up stories.
Want to collaborate more? Get your tools to talk to each other
Put automations to work to make collaborating easier with tools like Airtable, Slack and Google Drive The One Newsroom, which is the convergence of The Columbia Missourian, KBIA, KOMU, Vox Magazine, and the Missouri Business Alert, into one space, has created more opportunities for collaboration. The Missourian converted its old content budgeting process (once hosted … Continued
Automating calendars for small newsrooms
The less time journalists spend on rote tasks like data entry, the better. In this project we automated collecting event information for St. Louis Magazine’s website’s event calendar.