Tag: Bill Kovach
What is the role of a journalist in a post-objectivity world?
Editor’s note: Tom Warhover, Missouri School of Journalism associate professor, was part of a panel discussion titled “Objectivity in Journalism” June 6 at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles. He was joined by political theorist Ainsley LeSure; Victor Navasky, editor emeritus of The Nation; and journalist Lewis Wallace, a Marketplace reporter who was fired after publishing the blog post “Objectivity is dead, and I’m okay with it.” These are Warhover’s opening remarks.
So you call yourself a journalist. What does that mean?
Reynolds Fellow Mike Fancher and students at the Missouri School of Journalism tackle the question of the century. Mike Fancher was the executive editor at the Seattle Times for 20 years. This year, he’s a fellow at the Reynolds Journalism Institute, where he’s seeking to answer to some of the most important questions facing journalists … Continued