Tag: ed mccain
‘Losing a piece of you’: The fragility of digital news archives
In 2002, The Columbia Missourian received a shock when it lost a significant portion of its digital archives. A server crash wiped out 15 years of precious and painstaking work of journalists, photographers and editors. The data loss also weakened the paper’s link to the who, how, what, when and why of changes in mid-Missouri … Continued
Saving the news: When your server crashes, you could lose decades of digital news content — forever
How would you bring your newest hires up to speed on a controversial mayoral candidate, on a years-long tension between the community and police department, or the highly charged history of local school taxation?
Content Matters: An Interview with Edward McCain of the Reynolds Journalism Institute
For this installment of the Content Matters interview series of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance Content Working Group I interviewed Edward McCain, digital curator of journalism at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute and University of Missouri Libraries. Missouri University Libraries joined the NDSA this past summer. Ashenfelder: What is RJI’s relationship to the Missouri … Continued
RJI, University of Missouri Libraries team up to address digital archiving of news
Edward McCain was deeply concerned as he watched the Tucson (Ariz.) Citizen, a newspaper he had once worked for, close its doors without a good system in place to preserve and access its print or online archives. As he discussed the fate of the Citizen’s archive with editors, reporters, librarians and archivists, he realized that … Continued