Tag: Gannett
Putting Mayer’s research to work
Around 2012, Jodi Gersh was traveling to various large Gannett newsrooms and running engagement workshops. She had recently pioneered the first social media position inside Gannett, and now she was helping the company figure out how it could meet its readers on these powerful platforms they were using. She used Joy Mayer’s Community Engagement: A Practical Conversation for Newsrooms as a kind … Continued
Brian Gorman on MediaExecsTech.com
iPublish Media Solutions is an example of a technology company that makes running a news operation less expensive. They offer a “do-it-yourself” advertising platform that lets individuals or companies build a print, digital or social ad.
Sean Reily: Mid-year report
In the (near) paperless world of the future, reading from an electronic screen has long been hypothesized as the method through which readers will receive the bulk of their printed news and information. To augment this electronic news consumption, it has also long been hypothesized that optimizing the E-reading experience through the technology of E-Reader … Continued
Newspapers, farms and Bud’s advice
When the Tribune Co. announced bankruptcy in December, I had one immediate thought: I wish they’d really bought the farm. The World’s Greatest Newspaper is broke and an uncomfortable crowd of metros is teetering on the brink. Even the New York Times is hocking its skyscraper to pay the bills. It’s a sad time for … Continued