Tag: iOS
How to get started with a ham radio license
From in-person classes to books, apps, and shortcut guides, here’s how to get a license a journalist will need to work in the aftermath of a natural disaster. / Desde clases presenciales a libros, apps y guías de estudios, así se consigue la licencia que un periodista necesitará para trabajar tras una catástrofe natural.
What crowdsourcing 10,000 pages of government records has taught
Last year, we launched our new crowdsourcing tool. Here’s what’s worked well and where we’re taking it next.
FL#186: Mobile studio and teleprompter app Bigvu
Bigvu is an app designed to be a mobile studio for video journalists in the field. It combines a teleprompter with a platform for recording, managing and publishing the videos.
FL#162: Making audio interactive with Anchor app
Anchor app Anchor is an iOS app that allows users to interact and engage through audio recordings. These audio conversations can viewed in the app itself, or they can be shared on social media or exported to include in other broadcasts.Reporting by Sarah Sabatke. For more information: Anchor is a free app available for iOS … Continued
Tracy Clark’s take on 15 news aggregation apps: Part 2
Google Play Newsstand Google has made several attempts at media aggregation, first with Google News in 2002, which was deemed beta for the first three years. It promotes itself as a service that “aggregates real-time news content from news sources around the world, generating 72 editions in 55 languages, and powering Google’s news search. In … Continued
Tracy Clark’s take on 15 news aggregation apps: Is your go-to app on this chart?
(U.S.-based rankings/ratings; data from iOS app store via AppAnnie as of July 6, 2015) Aggregator Released Ranking (U.S. News) Rating (U.S.) Facebook Paper Jan 29, 2014 56 4.0 (8,683 ratings) Feedly Nov 19, 2010 72 4.5 (40,421 ratings) Flipboard Jul 21 2010 11 4.5 (177,875 ratings) Google Newsstand Sep 3, 2011 112 3.0 (2,461 ratings) … Continued