Tag: Podcasts
Youth radio journalism resources roundup
Starting a journalism program for teens? You don’t need to create training and curriculum materials from scratch Starting a youth radio program at your shop means managing a lot of moving pieces. You’ve got to find funding, staff, space and equipment. You’ve got to meet with youth who are interested in storytelling and amplifying teen … Continued
What the Digital News Report 2021 means for your audio strategy
The Digital News Report, the latest edition of which was published at the end of June, is a must read for anyone who wants to understand the behaviors of online news consumers.
9 ways newsrooms can incorporate more audio in their work
The ability to hear stories is essential for visually impaired audiences — and anyone who wants to consume content on the move.
Challenge Accepted! Expandable audio journalism lets listeners take control
What if people could control the way an audio story plays out while listening to it? Missouri School of Journalism students Slone Salerno, Vivian Wang, Elliot Bauman and Sarai Vega worked with RJI Fellow Michael Epstein to find out.
Audio to video: Keep audiograms short and compelling
Amy Eason of CNN Digital shares her tips on creating audiograms
What a California newspaper is learning as it experiments with podcasting
We asked newsrooms and ad agencies what they are doing today that they weren’t doing a year ago. Turns out quite a lot! This RJI series highlights some of the innovations and experiments we discovered and shares what leaders are learning along the way. We call it The What’s New? Q&A.