Notes from the field: The power of location
Elizabeth Stephens, executive editor of the Columbia Missourian and Missouri Community Newspaper Management Chair at the Missouri School of Journalism, shares what she and her class learned about the state of community newsrooms around Missouri
Navigating the YouTube video backlog with ease
Two AI tools that will save you hours by summarizing information from YouTube videos, making full viewings unnecessary.
Make a strategic investment in AI for the future
Key strategies include establishing universal ethical standards, fostering inclusivity, prioritizing transparency, and encouraging collaboration to unlock AI’s potential while preserving journalistic values.
Why a diversified revenue portfolio is the best sustainability insurance for media organizations
And 3 great examples of what this can look like for smaller newsrooms.
The art of salary negotiation
The most important questions to ask before accepting an offer.
Two friendly AI sidekicks for web reading
These plugins help summarize, synthesize and analyze.
The removal of ego
The problem, especially when it comes to disability, media, and innovation, is that everyone thinks they know how to solve it, including those who need to listen most.
Leading without authority: How to build influence in the workplace
You don’t have to wait until you reach the top to become a leader.
How to manage negativity in the journalism industry
Pessimism is not a business plan.
Four text to video AI tools for social video building
My rule was simple: To create a video in less than 30 mins and not spend more than 15 minutes learning the tool.