Funding the membership and nonprofit models

Ken Doctor, Newsonomics, moderator Sue Cross, Institute for Nonprofit News Dr. Crystal Rose, OZY Media Brant Houston, Co-Founder, INN While not new, membership models and nonprofit news consortia and strategies are an emergent theme, as news organizations leverage their connections and synergistic alliances to create both cost-savings and cost-enhancements. We delve into how the non-profit/membership models … Continued

Ken Doctor keynote

On Oct. 12, 2017, Ken Doctor of Newsonomics delivered the keynote address at Revenue Models that Work at the Reynolds Journalism Institute at the Missouri School of Journalism.

White paper: Two days dedicated to Dodging the Memory Hole

This white paper summarizes the Dodging the Memory Hole 2016: Saving online news event, with overviews of the panels and presentations, and projects produced by groups at the conference as well as student scholarship recipients. On Oct. 13–14, 2016, University of Missouri Libraries, in collaboration with the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute, UCLA Library and … Continued

Katherine Boss: Lightning rounds: Challenges facing preservation of born-digital news applications

Scroll to view transcript KATY BOSS: [00:08] Hi everybody. You guys probably remember me from yesterday, but I'll do quick introductions again. I'm Katy Boss. I'm at the New York University Libraries, librarian for journalism, media culture and communication. My two co-authors on this project are Eva Revear and Meredith Broussard, who you guys heard from earlier in the news apps panel; both are at … Continued