Journalists: Defend your work through action, not just with editorials

The Trusting News project, staffed by Joy Mayer and Lynn Walsh, is designed to demystify the issue of trust in journalism. They research how people decide what news is credible, then turn that knowledge into actionable strategies for journalists. The project is funded by the Reynolds Journalism Institute, the Knight Foundation and Democracy Fund.

Infographics: Tips and Tools

Infographic building is a skill that some of us just don’t have. If you have the time, you could learn to use Adobe After Effects or if you have the budget, hire someone who is a pro. But if you’re like us and had to dive in with no experience, here are a few tools that can … Continued

Don’t be afraid to tell your readers your journalism is valuable

The Trusting News project, staffed by Joy Mayer and Lynn Walsh, is designed to demystify the issue of trust in journalism. They research how people decide what news is credible, then turn that knowledge into actionable strategies for journalists. The project is funded by the Reynolds Journalism Institute, the Knight Foundation and Democracy Fund.

Infographics: Explaining the ADHD brain

Student Megan Smith used visual thinking to build infographics to explain how the ADHD brain functions. Watch our next segment with Ross Crooks, Column Five Media Co-Founder, about how to build strong inforgraphics to tell stories.

Drone Storytelling: How to get started

This month we delved into drone storytelling for our Innovation in Focus project. Here are five tips to help you get started if you’re new to drones!  1. Your first drone should be one you can crash — a lot Buy a cheap drone for practice so you can crash it without putting a dent in your finances. … Continued

A tussle over airspace. Could news drones be collateral damage?

It’s a crisp autumn day and the news director has asked for drone video of fall colors. You know just the place: a rise aside a subdivision that borders a state park whose oaks and sugar maples are a riot of colors. You take off and, with camera pointed forward, fly a conservative 80 feet … Continued