Syndicators, agencies and distribution channels

Jim Flink, RJI, moderator Andy Sareyan, McMeel Publishing  Jenn Stenger, NewsCred John Rampton, Founder, Due While much of content is built around per-use, micropayments and subscriptions, there are other pots of potential revenue that lie outside of what journalists may presently be considering. We’ll surf the scene from syndicators to agencies to alternative platforms and … Continued

Old guard, new models

Victor Hernandez, Banjo, moderator Jeff Sonderman, American Press Institute Kate Butler, Associated Press Seth Rogin, Nucleus Marketing Mark Maassen, Missouri Press Association While traditional platforms and channels still make up the bulwark of monetization streams for the “old guard” in media, many are seeking new, alternative revenue streams, some of while fall well outside of … Continued

Funding the membership and nonprofit models

Ken Doctor, Newsonomics, moderator Sue Cross, Institute for Nonprofit News Dr. Crystal Rose, OZY Media Brant Houston, Co-Founder, INN While not new, membership models and nonprofit news consortia and strategies are an emergent theme, as news organizations leverage their connections and synergistic alliances to create both cost-savings and cost-enhancements. We delve into how the non-profit/membership models … Continued

Ken Doctor keynote

On Oct. 12, 2017, Ken Doctor of Newsonomics delivered the keynote address at Revenue Models that Work at the Reynolds Journalism Institute at the Missouri School of Journalism.

How four media organizations are using events to raise revenue, engage audiences

Producing events is one opportunity for news outlets to generate additional revenue and build relationships with audiences. A panel of news and advertising executives spoke about their local events during Revenue Models That Work, which was held Oct. 12-13 at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute. Panelists were Lyndsi Lane, vice president of GateHouse Live; … Continued

More trust + more collaboration = more revenue

Revenue generation can be a complex landscape for digital publishers, especially those in small operations. Should you hire a sales team? Use programmatic advertising? Rely on affiliate marketing? Offer native advertising? Can the sales team collaborate and brainstorm with the news team? There’s much to sort out and consider for startup digital publishers trying to … Continued

What a Dallas TV station is learning with Tegna’s Verify project

We asked newsrooms and ad agencies what they are doing today that they weren’t doing a year ago. Turns out quite a lot! This RJI series highlights some of the innovations and experiments we discovered and shares what leaders are learning along the way. We call it The What’s New? Q&A.

Columbia Missourian: Students tackle real-world problems at TigerHacks

Grant Sharples Editor’s note: This article was originally published by the Columbia Missourian and is shared with permission.  Since Friday evening, University of Missouri student Justin Hofer and his team have been building an artificial brain designed to detect when a news headline is true or false. So far, the “brain” has a 92 percent … Continued

Six things participants need to know about the 2017-2018 RJI Student Competition

The 2017-2018 RJI Student Competition will differ in two ways from past competitions: Students from outside the University of Missouri are eligible to participate and teams may address any issue facing the news industry.  The annual technology competition is sponsored by the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute at the Missouri School of Journalism. Past winning … Continued