JDNA events

Our Dodging the Memory Hole forums bring together leading librarians, researchers, journalists, technologists and archivists to come up with actionable solutions to solve problems in born-digital news archiving. View content from our previous forums and register for our upcoming ones.
Dodging the Memory Hole 2017
November 15–16, 2017
Dodging the Memory Hole 2017: Saving Online News was held at the Internet Archive headquarters in San Francisco. Speakers, panelists and attendees explored solutions to the most urgent threat to cultural memory today — the loss of online news content. The forum focused on progress made in and successful models of long-term preservation of born-digital news content.
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Dodging the Memory Hole 2016: Saving Online News
October 13–14, 2016
Dodging the Memory Hole 2016: Saving Online News, was held at the UCLA Library. It explored preservation and access of content produced by not only traditional media outlets, but also alternative online sources and citizen journalists.
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Dodging the Memory Hole: Beyond NDNP
September 16, 2015
Dodging the Memory Hole: Beyond NDNP, held at the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C., explored ways to leverage the existing network and infrastructure created with the Library of Congress’ NEH-funded National Digital Newspaper Program.
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Dodging the Memory Hole 2015: An Action Assembly
May 11–12, 2015
Dodging the Memory Hole 2015: An Action Assembly was held at the main branch of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Public Library in Charlotte, North Carolina. It connected journalists, librarians, archivists and other stakeholders to find actionable solutions to digital news archiving problems.
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Dodging the Memory Hole: Saving Born-digital News Content
November 10–11, 2014
Do you see news archives as invaluable sources of historical reference? Are you concerned about the fragility of digital news content from the past 40 years? Are you passionate about saving this “rough first draft of history” and ready to take action? The Dodging the Memory Hole: Saving Born-digital News Content forum brought together a group of stakeholders to help decide what tomorrow will bring for yesterday’s news. The event was held in Columbia, Missouri.
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The Newspaper Archive Summit
April 10–12, 2011
If a newspaper goes out of business, what happens to its archives? If a newspaper becomes available only online, what happens to yesterday’s (or last year’s) news? Why should we care? These questions were addressed at The Newspaper Archive Summit in Columbia, Missouri, a precursor to the Journalism Digital News Archive.