A revenue reminder to start the summer

This summer, the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute’s Innovation in Focus web series will take a look at the startup and growing pains of a handful of news organizations’ new efforts to raise revenue. Those efforts range from membership models and retooling ownership to new ventures and crowdfunding efforts. The Innovation in Focus summer revenue … Continued

Brian Gorman on MediaExecsTech.com

iPublish Media Solutions is an example of a technology company that makes running a news operation less expensive. They offer a “do-it-yourself” advertising platform that lets individuals or companies build a print, digital or social ad.

Why it works

By 2017, it was clear to Janine York that she had to act. “Our newspaper is our core product, but we knew we needed to expand,” says York, the advertising director at the Missourian, a twice-weekly newspaper in the small town of Washington, Missouri. By 2017, it was clear to Janine York that she had … Continued