Tag: Apple
New iPad will put more pressure on publishers to adapt
As expected Apple has again raised the bar for competitors in the tablet market that the late Steve Jobs defined with the iPad. It also will put more pressure on publishers to make their iPad editions more compelling and visually rich. The third-generation iPad introduced today, which Apple calls the “New iPad”, not the iPad3 … Continued
Where do tablets fit in your news organization’s future?
This report focuses on what has been learned so far about news consumption behaviors on Apple iPads from research conducted by the Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI), The Associated Press, Online Publishers Association and Google’s AdMob subsidiary between July 2010 and June 2011. While competing devices are now making their way into the consumer marketplace, their … Continued
RJI-DPA spring 2011 iPad survey results
This follow-up panel survey conducted by the Reynolds Journalism Institute was designed to gather additional information about how Apple iPad owners use the device in their daily lives and how the iPad may influence news consumption. The 561 panelists who completed this survey were self-selected from the nearly 1,600 Apple iPad owners who participated in … Continued
RJI-DPA spring 2011 iPad survey results
This follow-up panel survey conducted by the Reynolds Journalism Institute was designed to gather additional information about how Apple iPad owners use the device in their daily lives and how the iPad may influence news consumption. The 561 panelists who completed this survey were self-selected from the nearly 1,600 Apple iPad owners who participated in … Continued
Did the New York Times just declare war on news aggregators?
It looks like the New York Times, Apple and the handiwork of some Stanford students, the Pulse News reader, are in the midst of moving around the copyright bar. A bit. At stake — just how much use can you make of an RSS feed before it becomes a copyright violation? Or is that a … Continued
Building revenue on e-Readers remains a challenge
The Newspaper Association of America featured 2010 Reynolds Fellow Sean Reily in its Spring 2010 publication. Here are excerpts from NAA’s interview: While companies like Amazon, Plastic Logic, Barnes & Noble and Sony work on improving the reading experience and functionality of their e-reader devices, publishers are wondering when (or whether) putting their content on … Continued
AP promises news app will be ‘on the iPad’ when Apple delivers tablet next month
The Associated Press will have a news application on the iPad when Apple begins delivering the new tablet device next month, according to James Kennedy, the news cooperative’s vice president of strategy. “It will be on it when it comes out,” Kennedy disclosured during a talk to about 40 people convened by the University of … Continued
Consortium idea leads RJI iPad/E-reader symposium discussion on final day
U.S., Korean and Japanese news-industry strategists wrapup up today three days in Missouri to assess the impact of the soon-to-be-launched Apple iPad on the news business — and on the fast-changing “E-reader” marketplace. On Monday, they considered the possibility of forming a news-industry consortium, and that idea is on the agenda today. It’s been the spring meeting … Continued
With the tidal
The first time I watched Wall Street with my son was on DVD and he loved it. He was totally captivated by the world of high stakes finance and arbitrage practiced by Michael Douglas playing Gordon Gekko. Then the movie comes to one particular scene where Gekko is walking at sunrise on the beach before … Continued
E-readers at Consumer Electronics Show 2010: Does Apple determine their fate?
While dedicating my current Fellowship Year at the Reynolds Journalism Institute to an exploration into E Reader devices and the opportunity they offer news providers as a reading and business platform, until a week ago I had only held an Amazon Kindle, a Sony Touch Edition and an IRex iLiad E Reader in my hands. … Continued