Is your company short on star salespeople? Look to your newsroom

Editor’s note: This post was originally published by  Some of the best-positioned people to help grow news media revenue may be sitting nearby.  They are journalists. Journalists are creative, learn fast, consume a lot of information, interact with a variety of people, keep good notes and understand to be good they must keep learning … Continued

FL#196: Automation at The Washington Post

Jeremy Gilbert, director of strategic initiatives at The Washington Post, says computer automation could increase a newsroom’s capabilities in three important ways: analyzing vast amounts of data, putting information into digestible forms, and tailoring the end result for each individual user. We dive into the details and find out how the Post has experimented already. … Continued

FL#195: A home page designed by algorithm

(Video missing) The Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet developed an algorithm guided partially by editors and partially by reader preferences that delivers a personalized home page for each website visitor. Editor in chief Fredric Karén credits the technology with a significant boost in online traffic and digital subscriptions. Reporting by Lily Oppenheimer, Rachel Wise and Jessica … Continued