AUDIO: Five minutes about InfoValet on WJR Detroit’s Frank Beckman show

In a five-minute audio podcast, CircLabs Inc. co-founder and Information Valet Project director Bill Densmore talks with Frank Beckman, live on WJR-AM Detroit, about an idea for one-ID, one-account, one-bill access to web news information and about the Information Trust Association idea. Beckman invited Densmore onto his morning talk program on July 19, after reading a post on the … Continued

Firing neurons, building relationships: Washington D.C. Conference

Washington, D.C. — The Radio and TV Museum inside George Washington University displays journalism’s past: a Philco Model 42-350, a 1942 radio to first offer FM broadcasts. Its fame soon faded:  the museum notes 1945-57 was “dismal,” as television ate up once-loyal FM audience and advertisers. Dusty radio relics reminded journalists, bloggers and software geeks … Continued