Tag: Google News
How to conduct a DIY algorithm audit
Six steps to produce newsworthy findings that promote algorithmic accountability.
Big tech algorithms: The new gatekeepers
Algorithmic Literacy for Journalists will be an interactive resource to help journalists understand the functions, consequences and ethics of algorithms in a digital age.
Experts share their tips for making the most from many audio formats
New apps, platform agnosticism and getting the basics right: taking your audio to the next level.
How do you connect disconnected people to the internet and digital news? There’ll be an app for that
My cousin lives in Cuba. He is one of the lucky 250,000 Cubans (out of 11.2 million) who connects to the internet every day. To connect, he first purchases an access card from ETECSA, the state-owned telecommunication company, at 2 CUC per hour of internet (10 percent of the average salary for a Cuban citizen). … Continued
Tracy Clark’s take on 15 news aggregation apps: Part 2
Google Play Newsstand Google has made several attempts at media aggregation, first with Google News in 2002, which was deemed beta for the first three years. It promotes itself as a service that “aggregates real-time news content from news sources around the world, generating 72 editions in 55 languages, and powering Google’s news search. In … Continued