Addressing the latest wave of coronavirus misinformation

First Draft created a special section on COVID-19 in its Basic Toolkit for verification. ONA quickly published a COVID-19 Misinformation Playbook and SPJ’s Journalist’s Toolbox maintains its own page of resources for fact-checking coronavirus information. Using these guides and a few select tools can help journalists verify facts and fight misinformation.

Tips for using research to make behavioral analytics useful

“What we really want is to be the light that illuminates the newsroom as we move forward on our journalistic and business goals,” James Robinson, director of analytics for The New York Times said on the power of analytics. “If people can’t use that light to see where they’re going, they’re going to get stuck … Continued

Let technology plot the path forward

Like many journalists, I can remember when I first thought about pursuing a career in the field. As a teenager, I loved writing and reading well-done stories, and I often found them in the newspaper. By the time I reached high school, I was reading The Detroit News and The Detroit Free Press everyday, and … Continued

FL#181: Journalism 360, an immersive storytelling initiative

Journalism 360 Journalism 360 is an initiative to help journalists experiment with immersive storytelling through events, training, grants, Medium posts and Google Hangouts. The effort aims to connect journalists and build a community around 360 video and augmented and virtual reality for news. Reporting by Reuben Stern and Lindsey Miller For more information: Journalism 360 … Continued

FL#170: Lessons from

Lessons from For 20 months, adopted a grassroots approach to telling stories by sourcing from social media to get perspectives from people around the world. But on Aug. 31, was shuttered after its parent company, First Look Media, pulled its funding. We spoke with founder and editor Andy Carvin about what … Continued