Media lies and Brexit: A double hammer-blow to Europe and ethical journalism

Editor’s note: If you have an idea on how to solve problems created by fake news, filter bubbles or mistrust of the news media, please apply for a 2017-2018 RJI Fellowship. The application deadline is Feb. 1. In addition, RJI will soon post the full results of its Trusting News project, conducted by consulting fellow and engagement strategist Joy Mayer.

Coming 2017: the Trump-O-Meter

Editor’s note: PolitiFact has a 2016-2017 RJI Fellowship at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute. Executive Director Aaron Sharockman is the project leader for the fellowship. This blog is reposted from

Hyperlocal: The promise of entrepreneurial journalism

Dutch graduate students visited four U.S. journalism startups between December 2015 and February 2016 to observe how these entrepreneurs “make it work” and, in the process, redefine what it means to be a journalist. Their work is part of Beyond Journalism, a study of entrepreneurial journalism by 2015-2016 RJI Fellows Tamara Witschge and Mark Deuze, both journalism professors in the Netherlands.