Small-town print goes big-time digital

In the early 2010s, Mark Nienhueser was the sales director for Service Noodle, an online platform that made it easy for small, local service businesses to develop a website and gain a digital footprint. When he moved to the Missouri Press Association, in 2013, he realized there were a lot of untapped digital opportunities for … Continued

RJI Fellowship delivers digital services to publishers for local businesses

Individuals or organizations can apply for 2018-19 fellowships at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute through Jan. 31. During the application season, we will publish Q&As with a few of our past fellows to find out how the fellowships benefited their organizations and what advice they have for applicants.

There are three types of fellowships: institutional, nonresidential and residential. Learn more by visiting RJI Fellowships.

Nonresidential fellow jumpstarts his project with a visit to RJI

My fellowship project was transformed earlier this month during a three-day visit to Columbia, Missouri. The occasion was an informal convening of several of this year’s Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute fellows to discuss the varied projects we hope to bring to fruition over the coming months. Though it was a laid-back affair, the conversations … Continued