Tag: salt lake tribune
From feedback to functionality
The innovative wireframe design that is redefining news consumption for our new site, and yours.
Redesigning the article page for local news
The Salt Lake Tribune is building a toolkit to help you optimize article pages for enhanced reader engagement and support.
Introducing the 2024-2025 RJI Fellows
Today, the Reynolds Journalism Institute announced the 2024-2025 class of RJI Fellows, each of whom will work to create and test practical, free resources for journalists and newsrooms.
Women in Journalism Workshop 2021
The Women in Journalism Workshop is an annual workshop that focuses on challenges, accomplishments and issues specific to women in the journalism industry today.
The Common Reader: A quirky corner on the internet
Dutch graduate students visited four U.S. journalism startups between December 2015 and February 2016 to observe how these entrepreneurs “make it work” and, in the process, redefine what it means to be a journalist. Their work is part of Beyond Journalism, a study of entrepreneurial journalism by 2015-2016 RJI Fellows Tamara Witschge and Mark Deuze, both journalism professors in the Netherlands.