Tag: University of Texas Austin
How journalists address misinformation from official sources
Survey of 630 health journalists provides guidance and takeaways.
A new guide to solidarity reporting
Social justice reporting begins with people’s lived experiences.
Getting a source to ‘yes’
We have to put in the work. The first stage of my project was getting newsrooms on board with making their reporting more reflective of the communities they cover. Next, my media partners and I had to answer that age-old question: “How do I find and-or curate more diverse sources?” With those two things accomplished, … Continued
A Trusting News analysis: What news consumers say they trust
Trusting News Project ReportDownload Fundamentally, news consumers trust journalism that they find to be balanced, in-depth, honest and reputable. Those qualities appeared over and over in an analysis of 81 in-depth interviews our newsroom partners conducted with members of their communities. And when asked directly about what defines quality journalism, they were at the top … Continued
A robot commits libel. Who is responsible?
For all their apparent infallibility, bots, like their human predecessors, are also vulnerable to mistakes.One of the worst mistakes is committing libel. How should courts treat cases in which a robot generates a defamatory statement?